
sich hinter dem Lied verstecken, installation, 2022. Gallery Zwitschermaschine, Berlin.

Chromatisch (8 Oktaven über 1/8 Hz), digital audio (silent), 2018. Released on Segmod, CD Dumpf Edition #12, Zürich 2019

2.33, 9-channel live-electronics, solo or duo, 2015. Acker Stadt Palast, Berlin

101 W 18th St. (Sound Observation #8), sound installation, five channel digital audio, 2011/12. Group exhibition “Membra Disjecta for John Cage – Wanting to Say Something About John,” Freiraum Quartier21 International, MuseumsQuartier Vienna 2012

Sound Observation #1b (Chinatown), live diffusion of four-channel digital audio, 2011. Moltkerei Werkstatt, Cologne

EQ Music, live diffusion of eight-channel digital audio, 2011. The Wulf, Los Angeles

Berlin aufräumen (Tidying up Berlin). Sound Observation #7, two-channel digital audio, 2011. Diapason Gallery for Sound, Brooklyn, NY

“Every promise of the soul has innumerable fulfilments.” Emerson attributes, for speaker and two-channel digital audio, 2010. The Wulf, Los Angeles

Two Trash Can Recordings (He didn’t like collage). Sound Observation #6, live diffusion of four-channel digital audio, 2010. Experimental Intermedia, New York

Centre and Grand. Sound Observation #5, live diffusion of four-channel digital audio, 2010. Experimental Intermedia, New York

“Wir suchen überall das Unbestimmte und finden immer nur Dinge.” Novalis-Bestimmungen, performance for speaker and projection, 2010. Aachener Performance Night, Theater Aachen

Hegenbart/Straebel: 09-11-1938, sound installation in commemoration of “Kristallnacht”, 2008. Collegium Hungaricum, Berlin. In collaboration with Boris Hegenbart, catalog

Zug, 1960 #7 nach La Monte Young. Sound Observation #4, sound installation, four-channel digital audio, 2008. Kunsthaus Zug, Switzerland

Koch/Straebel: Tesla Transmissions, 16-channel sound installation and performance, 2007. Tesla, Berlin. In collaboration with hans w. koch.

Dynamikorientierte Klangbeobachtung, live electronics, 2006. Brückenmusik, Cologne

Text pieces for MEX: A sound itself (2003); contributions to zu früh 2004, zine.mex (2005), and zu früh 2006. MEX – Gesellschaft zur Förderung intermedialer und experimenteller Musikprojekte e.V., Künstlerhaus Dortmund

9 mal 3 von 9 (nine chairs), string trio, 2004. Commissioned by the Tom Johnson Festival, Dortmund. Members of the string quartet Quadrupel.

Vier Minuten von Tn und TN%, two-channel digital audio, 2003. Commissioned by Radio Berlin Brandenburg

Text statt Bilder, installation for slide projector, 2002. Atelier- und Ausstellungshaus Fresno, Münster

Guben, 1625, four-channel digital audio, 2001, Mex im Künstlerhaus Dortmund

Mikado, solo performance with four-channel amplification, 1995. Freunde Guter Musik, Berlin


John Cage: Song Books with Concert for Piano and Orchestra, opening production of MaerzMusik 2012, Berlin. Joan La Barbara, artistic direction; Ne(x)tworks; Die Maulwerker; Volker Straebel, scenic dramaturgy; Martin Supper, sound direction; Harald Frings, light design

John Cage: Aachen Musicircus on Europeras with Europera 4 and Fontana Mix, composed realization by Volker Straebel, directed by Ludger Engels. Commissioned by Theater Aachen, 2006

si·mul·ta·ne·ous  si·lence. Simultanietät und Stille im Werk von John Cage um 1952. 12-hour event on simutaniety and silence in the work of John Cage, MaerzMusik 2002, Berlin

John Cage: Urban Circus on Berlin Alexanderplatz, realization of Circus on based onBerlin Alexanderplatz by Alfred Döblin for speaker and 48-channel tape, 2001. Commissioned by Ultraschall Festival, Sender Freies Berlin, Berlin. Premiered by Hanns Zischler

John Cage: Atlas Eclipticalis, version for three saxophones and live-electronics. Künstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin 2000. Ulrich Krieger, Tobias Rüger, and Reimar Volker, saxophones; Volker Straebel, live-electronics.

Schwarz/Straebel: Tintenfraß Bach, conceptual score for cello solo, 2000. Martin Seemann, Rothenburg o.Tb. Collaboration with Linda Schwarz.

John Cage: Atlas Eclipticalis with Cartridge Music, version for string quartet and live-electronics. Leipzig, 1998. Kairos-Quartett and Andre Bartezki

John Cage: Fontana Mix, version for four-channel tape with bird sounds. Commissioned by festival Pfeifen im Walde. Podewil Berlin, 1994.